Archive | November, 2018

Let Your Body Learn

So New Beat…not everybody’s cup of tea. However when it hits it hits hard. I love it, just wished they didn’t use so many shit samples. So many great grooves ruined. Anyway there’s plenty to pick up that are amazing and don’t sound dated – more beamed from the future.

Here’s 5 I love that showed some sample restraint!

Dobre & Jamez

Touché Records was founded in 1994 by Alex Dijksterhuis (Jamez) & Gaston Steenkist (Dobre) I truly fell in love with this Dutch imprint after hearing a lot of their output being played through the gargantuan rig in the Conor Hall in Belfast in the nineties. Some of these records still play hopscotch in and out of my record bag today and let me assure you they still set a dancefloor on fire. Touché indeed!

Here are five return serves…


Anyone else pick these edits/bootlegs up from a few years back? They didn’t do much (if anything) to the tracks but what you got was one track per side cut really nice and loud. Perfect for DJing with. There’s usually always one in my bag. Still easy enough to pick up for cheap.

As usual 5 favs below…

Synth Clarke

At certain times it can feel that people were almost destined to do things with their creative output. Imagine if Vince Clarke had never picked up a synthesiser, the world would be devoid of some first class timeless pop music, never mind some of the best synth bands and duos of the the last few decades.

Here are five with the V.C touch that still light up floors for me.