Archive | July, 2019

Leading the flock

There are a handful of producers thesedays who bring something new to the electronic music table. A lot borrow or repeat from what’s already gone before whereas some put their own stamp on things, adding to an evolving element in this thing called dance music.

Kieran Hebden one, Dan Snaith another and without doubt Sam Shepherd is a leader not a follower.

Here are five exquisite works of floating electronic art…

Swerving The Community

Super Rhythm Trax – proper (proper) dance music. Delivered without much fuss because it’s done for the love. Excellent label and a go to for when you need to go a bit harder.

5 below that are always in the bag.

Vintage Deconstruction

The UK’s now defunct Deconstruction Records has some vintage gold in it’s cellar. Tracks that sound as good today (if not better) than they did back then. A varied repertoire and A&R policy means there are dark room heavy hitters, sunshine belters and timeless house gems all there to be re-discovered.

Below are five oldies I still regularly play…

Kill The DJ

Ivan Smagghe is a musical sponge. Always hungry for new sounds – this is reflected in his varied productions. He’s at his most successful (in my opinion) when he veers into the weird and wonderful recesses of his record collection, best seen in the ‘Smagghe and Cross’ and ‘It’s A Fine Line’ collaborations. Somewhat under the radar for many people but worth revisiting, perhaps it left the techno bores who associated him with a more dance floor friendly sound scratching their heads.

The Midas Touch

Let’s be honest, so much electronic music gold has come out of Glasgow over the years. A city which seems to have a a proper understanding of machine made soul.

I’ve loved this GT crew for a while, everything I’ve heard is fantastic but if you didnae already know, here’s five to get you started…

Then go check the rest!