Archive | March, 2022

Early Doors

Always great to have the whole night to play music, especially in the Working Men’s Club. Warm ups can often be the most rewarding part of djing and Timmy and myself much prefer to get the time to move around musically. Pretty much any DJ should be able to keep people dancing at peak time but what else do they have in their bag for the other part of the night?

5 below plus a recording of us early doors last Saturday night here!

Shop Local

A great thing happened recently in Belfast, it gained a world class record store called Sound Advice. Marion Hawkes has created something wonderful in the east of the city that is great for both brand new & second hand shopping. Stellar regular selections carriage free on your doorstep are not to be taken for granted and as a result I will feature round ups of purchases on here.

Five essentials bought in Sound Advice below…

Cold As…

You know anybody who calls their label ‘Electric Ice’ has to (hopefully) be the real deal.

Well, luckily for us Larry Joseph was a very funky man.

Take A Trip

There is always a place for good acid in our sets, like dub music it has a timeless quailty specially when executed with a less is more approach.  Five great examples (all different) of how to deliver an acid line below…