Archive | January, 2019

Digging In Manchester

I’ve been working in Manchester for the last couple of months and had a morning off, so jumped on the bus to King Bee records. It’s a lovely little shop and a great way to spend an hour. Just as I was leaving I also spotted on the wall of 45’s, The Electric Chairs – So Many Ways (not on this list) produced by the mighty David Cunningham, which I wrote about before. It’s not a record you see that often so had to scoop it as well.

I’m going to be in Manchester for the next few months, so if anybody knows of good spots for second hand vinyl let me know!
All these records were £5 or less…

Stetsons & Drum Machines

Both Mr Black and I agree on this duo as go to room wreckers.

If you didn’t already love these two cowbots, here are five reasons why you really should…

Two Feet First

At the tail end of last year and as we head into another, Deewee are still proving why they are one of the best labels on the planet right now and with no signs of slowing down.

Here are 4 of their most recent offerings + a killer dub, outlining why we are probably most excited for their 2019 release schedule.